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What is "Prime Timers"?

Our Senior Adult Ministry provides a variety of ministry opportunities and activities. Our Senior Adult Ministry reaches out to the adults in our church as well as in the community where everyone is welcome. Our desire is to invite all Senior Adults to share in many activities and social opportunities. The Senior Adult Ministry isn't about age, it's about people. Please be aware that the senior adult ministry is not "age exclusive." Involvement is self-defined and not age directed − anyone is always welcome in the programs and events. The senior adults also participate in various missions and revivals throughout the year. 


Every senior adult is invited to be a part of our Prime Timers group. Prime Timers gather several times each month. There’s a general lunch meeting on the second Thursday of each month in the Family Life Center and one regularly scheduled trip per month (usually on the third Thursday of the month) with a few exceptions to accommodate holidays and /or special events. A program of inspiration, information and/or entertainment is a special part of the Prime Timers’ meeting. Lunch is provided for a small fee.


There’s always something to do and somewhere to go so “don’t sit at home.”


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