Plan Your Visit
Don't let our campus intimidate you. Each Sunday, there will be smiling greeters at main entrances who can direct you to where you'd like to go whether it's a Bible study class (aka LifeGroup) or where to drop your kids off.
Sunday worship is at 8:30 & 11AM.
LifeGroups are at 9:45AM.
Wednesday Studies are at 6PM.
Hope to see you soon.

Sunday Schedule
8:30A Worship Service, Worship Center [Nursery available]
9:45A LifeGroups
11:00A Worship Service, Worship Center [Nursery available]
11:00A Kids Worship, FLC upstairs [gr 1-4; they meet with adults on Lord's Supper Mornings]
11:00A Preschool Worship, FLC downstairs [ages 3-5]
Wednesday Schedule
5P Student Night Hangout begins [Nursery available]
6P Student Night Worship/Study
6P Kids Wild Wednesdays [PreK & Nursery available]
6P Adult Classes
Feel free to park wherever is most convenient for you, but if you've got kids, consider parking on the west side of the Education Building (that's the 42nd Street side). Our Education Building is the hub of activity when we're not in worship services, and the large atrium is at the center of it all. If you park there on the west side of the Education Building, you'll walk right into that activity and it will be super easy to drop off the little ones and to find someone who can show you where to go next.
The nursery area is located off the large atrium. Children's classes (1-6 grades) and Preschool classes are located in the Family Life Center (FLC), which is through "The Passage" and the breezeway. Youth classes (7-12 grades) are located on the north-east part of campus across the street at The Crossing.
We also have a Senior Adult designated parking lot on the Old Baker Road side of the Education Building if you'd like to park there.
If you have questions or concerns prior to your visit, please don't hesitate to contact us. The church office is open during the week (8a-5p Monday - Thursdays and 8a-12p Fridays) if you'd like to come by or call.
Weekday Visitors
Weekday visitors may gain entrance to the building at the west side (42nd Street side) Education Building doors. We ask that you press the call button and when we answer, identify yourself. Once inside the building, please come directly to the main office.
Special Needs
All of our buildings are wheelchair accessible. There is a special needs LifeGroup class that meets in the Family Life Center if you have a special needs child or adult. We also have interpreters who can help on an as needed basis. Our interpreters can be available during the 11am worship service. If you anticipate needing an interpreter, please contact the church office [225.654.2755] so we may make arrangements for your visit.