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If you'd like to join the choir, email Jennifer

or come by on Wednesdays for rehearsal.



6:30P Praise Team/Band Rehearsal

7P  Choir Rehearsal



8A Warmup in Choir Suite

10:45A Warmup in Choir Suite

Passionately leading God's people in worship




If you are interested in being part of the worship leading choir, please join us for a rehearsal Wednesdays from 7pm to 8 pm. No audition required - Choir is for church members who are at least 13 years old, can smile, and enjoy singing.

There is childcare until 8pm on Wednesdays for those of you who need it. Contact Jennifer with questions.




If you are a church member who plays an instrument [especially piano, keys, drums, or guitar] and are passionate about leading others in worship with that gift, please contact Bro. Tommy.  




This is an auditioned vocal team comprised of individuals who desire to humbly lead worship and glorify God with the gifts He has given them. This team is comprised of active church members [LifeGroup and Worship attendance] who are already faithful choir members. This is the group we often pull our soloists from. If you are interested in learning more about being a part of this serving team, please contact Bro. Tommy.




We rebooted our ladies ensemble group this past summer. They meet on Mondays at 10am in the choir suite. The ladies in this group prepare and present songs mainly during the 8:30am Service and are an outreach branch of the worship ministry in that they are encouraged to participate as a group in community ministry like assisted living facility church services, the city Christmas season kickoff and others. If you'd like more information about this group, contact Jennifer.




If you are a church member who likes to serve behind the scenes, you are qualified to help Hunter on Sunday mornings. There are many moving pieces during worship services - lights, sound, lyrics, broadcast, etc. Contact Hunter with questions.

Helpful Mobile Apps

As a member of our worship teams, you will hear us reference something called PCO, which is short for "Planning Center Online," the online software we use to plan our services and make files available to our teams.


PCO has two apps that are helpful to you as a choir/band team member. Bring your device to choir/band rehearsal and use one of these apps to both view the sheet music and/or rehearse the music on your own with the available tracks.


When you join a worship team, Jennifer will create a user profile for you - sign into your user account using your cell number or email.

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