WILDLIFE – Share photos of pets, birds, deer, moose, rabbits… literally any wild or domesticated animal, but no wild or domesticated people, please.
LANDSCAPE – Share photos of a beautiful sunset, snowy mountains, or even a field of flowers. These photos should show the beauty of God's earthly creation. They should not include people as a focal point or in the foreground.
SPORT – Share photos you have taken of any sport... baseball, canoeing, hiking, basketball, golf, tennis, etc. Get creative with your framing and show us your best shot. These should definitely include people.
HUNTING/FISHING – Share photos of your latest trophy! Moose, hogs, deer, bass... show us what you've got. These shots can definitely include people. Photos should be taken by you or can be of you.
YOUTH – Youth up to age 15 may submit their photos in this category. See the adult categories for the kinds of photos that may be submitted.
YOUTH – For photographers 15 years old or younger.
Photos may be coached but we ask that all shots be made and submitted by the child.
ADULT – For photographers aged 16 or older.
This LOCAL AMATEUR photography contest is meant for anyone who enjoys capturing and viewing God's creation through photography.
- Photographers must be present at the Outdoorsman Banquet to receive their prize for any winning entries. See small type below for additional details.
- Photos must be taken by the photographer who is submitting the photo [or credit to the original photographer should be provided] - except for the Hunting/Fishing category to which you may submit photos taken of you by others. The photographer retains rights to their photos, but by submitting your photos, you grant usage rights to FBCZ – meaning, FBCZ may use your photo for promotional materials with or without crediting the photographer in the future.
- Qualifying photographers [adults] may submit up to five photos per category for a maximum of 20 submissions per person. Youth [up to age 15] may submit up to 5 photos. Please do NOT re-submit photos you have submitted to the contest in prior years - we would love to see your most recent photos.
- If you would like to remove a photo from consideration after it has been submitted, please contact us no later than the closing date for entry, Aug 25, 2024. Please note that photos deemed inappropriate because of subject matter will be disqualified and may cause any other photos submitted by the photographer to be removed from the contest. These decisions would be determined at the discretion of the judges and contest team.
- Photos must be submitted by 11:59pm on Sunday, Aug 25, 2024. Sorry - no late submissions can be accepted. Judging and fan favorite voting happens in the weeks following that deadline.
- All photos will be judged on basis of clarity, composition, creativity, and overall appeal by a 3-person panel of peers. A printed canvas of winning photos will be awarded to the fan favorite and to the1st, 2nd, and 3rd in each category. Youth photos will be judged as a group [not in categories] and a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd youth category winner will be selected. Decisions by the judges are final.
- A Fan Favorite photo will be chosen by popular vote from all photos submitted; therefore, make sure to tell your friends to drop by the website and vote for their favorites once voting opens. Voting will be held on our website for two [2] weeks after the submission deadline, Sep 1 - 15, 2024. To vote on your favorites, you will need to either make a free account or sign in with your Google or Facebook account.
- PRIZES: A printed canvas of the winning photo, a winner certificate, and recognition on FBCZ’s social media. These prizes will be presented in person at the Outdoorsman Banquet [Tue, Oct 1] where we will photograph the winners with their prizes for posting on social media.
[Prizes and rules are subject to change without notice. Anyone who anticipates being unable to attend the banquet may call , 225.654.2755, to make arrangements to pick up his/her prize at the church office no later than the end of October 2024. If a winner does not attend and does not make arrangements to pick up their prize before the end of October 2024, their prize is forfeit and will be given as a door prize on the night of the banquet.]