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So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. 1 John 4:16


Ladies - Gather with us as we seek God's face through studying His Word, gathering for fellowship and discipleship, and as we geaux into our community to serve and minister.

Contact Lisa Rioux with questions.

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Gather, Grow, Geaux Opportunities

Tuesday Study

Our fall study has concluded. We will have an advent study soon.

Our usual schedule is:

Morning Group, 9-11a

Evening Group, 6-8p​

Debbie McElroy & Sharon Rabalais

The Gathering

Every fall ladies have a chance to gather for a night of fellowship, food, worship & to study the Word.

This year we will probably meet in October.


If you'd like to help, contact Lisa.

Coordinator: Lisa Rioux

Bible Study Fellowship

BSF has a satellite group of women who meet on Tuesdays at FBCZ. This fall, they'll be doing a study through the book of Revelation.


Study begins in Sep 10 and runs through April. They meet at 6:30P in the hall above the nursery. Check the church calendar for breaks.

Coordinator: Candice Darwin

Decorating Team

Love decorating? We'd love your help to decorate the church for special events and holidays.

Coordinator: Jeanene Fisher

Services at Assisted Living Facilities

Each month our deacons lead worship services at local assisted living facilities. Check the calendar for dates.

Gather at The Lodge & Oakwood Village, 3pm

Conference Trips

Each year we take a few conference trips. Keep your eyes and ears open for details. We usually attend the "Abide" Women's Conference at NOBTS in the spring and we attend the WMU Women's Conference in the Fall.

Coordinator: Lisa Rioux

Servants of Grace

Join this service ministry to be a light to the elderly homebound women of our church! Visits, phone calls, sending cards.

Coordinator: Niccie McKey


Women's Mission Union [WMU] groups meet once a month. These are mission minded women who lead the way in church-wide mission emphasis.


WMU Leadership

Denise Burdette, Lauren Baudouin

Morning Group
Mary Stagg, Janna Gibbon


Evening Group
Sharon Campbell, Bonnie Clark


Young Women Group
Bridget Richards, Lauren Baudouin

Prison Ministry

We hope to facilitate an 8-week Bible Study at LA Correctional Institute for Women. Other ways to serve are with meals and gift bags.


We typically geaux celebrate with the Women's Prison Seminary Graduates. Details TBA.


Coordinator: Muriel Leewright

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