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What are DGroups?

DGroups are small, gender-specific closed groups of church members, that meet weekly for approximately one year with the express purpose of accelerated spiritual transformation. It is not evangelistic in its form or function, but in its fruit. We will be making disciples who make disciples.  At the end of one year, the DGroup will disband and the members will lead individuals or groups in a newly-formed DGroup.  The ultimate goal is for each person to be conformed to the image of Christ.

How can I join a group?

If you are a church member and would like more information about DGroups or how to get involved, please fill out this form.


Current groups began in February 2024.


Thanks for your interest. We will get back with you soon.


Many church members have become inconsistent in attendance and participation with the church. They did not set out to be inconsistent, but somewhere along the way, he misses for a special event, she was not feeling well for a couple of weeks, or a family emergency hindered them from attending for a few weeks. There are any number of reasons members miss gathering with the church. Some good reasons, some not so good. The issue is the occasional “misses” promote inconsistent and sometimes rare participation. So much so, the regular attender is now considered one who attends once a month.

If you would describe your participation in the life of the church as rare or inconsistent, I want to offer a challenge: The Gather/Grow Challenge. I challenge you to make a commitment to GATHER with the church for the first six weeks of the year. A commitment to, unless providentially hindered, actively engage FBCZ for those six weeks.

I believe you will enjoy those six weeks. I believe you will establish or reestablish relationships. You will reestablish priorities in those six weeks. More importantly, you will GROW in Christ during those six weeks. Perhaps, years down the road, you will look back to the first six weeks of 2024 as the pivotal period in your life as God uses this time to draw you and your family closer to Him.

Take the challenge. Gather and Grow!

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