Sunday –
Jesus triumphant entrance into Jerusalem
Monday –
Curses the fig tree on the way into the city
Weeps over Jerusalem
Cleanses the temple for the second time in His ministry
Tuesday –
Finds the fig tree withered; teaches on faith
Wednesday – Silent Day
No record in the Gospels, but much activity as Jesus prepares for the Last Supper and as Judas and Sanhedrin prepare for Jesus’ arrest.
Thursday –
Peter and John sent to make preparation for Passover Meal
Lord’s Supper instituted
To Garden of Gethsemane; Jesus’ agony
Betrayal by Judas; arrest by Sanhedrin
Friday –
The trials of Jesus Christ
First trial, before Annas
Second [and primary] trial before Sanhedrin; Jesus is condemned, misused
Third trial, immediately at dawn
Fourth trial, before Pilate
Fifth trial, before Herod
Sixth trail, before Pilate
Jesus is scourged
Jesus bears His cross to the gate on north of city and is crucified around 9am
Jesus’ Seven Saying from the Cross
“Father, forgive them…” Luke 23:34
“Today… with me in paradise” Luke 23:43
“Woman, behold your son…” John 19:26-27
“My God, my God…” Mark 15:34
“I thirst” John 19:28
“It is finished” John 19:30
“Into your hands…” Luke 23:46
The Death of the God-Man
About 3pm; veil torn, rocks rent; some graves opened and people rise [to mortality] and go into the city
Jesus’ side pierced
Passover lambs slain in temple
Jesus buried by sundown
Saturday –
At the request of the Jewish leadership; Pilate grants a guard and sets a seal on the tomb of Jesus
Sunday –
Jesus Christ rises from the dead and makes appearances on the day of His rising to:
Mary Magdalene and other women who come to the tomb.
To disciples on the road to Emmaus
To the astonished disciples [Thomas is absent]
To Simon Peter [nowhere recorded, but alluded to in Luke 24:33-34]
[some info adapted from – Doug Bookman]